BigDataFr recommends: How Can Smaller Retailers Fight Amazon’s Growth? The Answer Is AI And Personalization […]The volatile condition of small American retail is no longer a secret. 43% of all U.S. online sales — amounting to $136B — were through Amazon in 2016, a 10% increase over 2015. The U.S. Department of Commerce confirmed that […]
[Dataconomy] BigDataFr recommends: AI – The Present in the Making
BigDataFr recommends: AI – The Present in the Making […] For many people, the concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a thing of the future. It is the technology that is yet to be introduced. But Professor Jon Oberlander disagrees. He was quick to point out that AI is not in the future, it is […]
[HAL] BigDataFr recommends: Eley: On the Effectiveness of Burst Buffers for Big Data Processing in HPC systems
BigDataFr recommends: Eley: On the Effectiveness of Burst Buffers for Big Data Processing in HPC systems Abstract […] Burst Buffer is an effective solution for reducing the data transfer time and the I/O interference in HPC systems. Extending Burst Buffers (BBs) to handle Big Data applications is challenging because BBs must account for the large […]
[L’Usine Nouvelle] BigDataFr recommande : « L’intelligence artificielle va entrer dans le ‘gouffre des désillusions’ et c’est tant mieux ! », lance Xavier Lorphelin, de Serena Capital
BigDataFr recommande : « L’intelligence artificielle va entrer dans le ‘gouffre des désillusions’ et c’est tant mieux ! », lance Xavier Lorphelin, de Serena Capital […] L’Usine Nouvelle – Comment appréciez-vous l’effervescence actuelle autour de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) ? Xavier Lorphelin – La vague est impressionnante. « Intelligence artificielle » est devenu le mot clé qu’il faut afficher […]
[arXiv] BigDataFr recommends: Visualization of Big Spatial Data using Coresets for Kernel Density Estimates
BigDataFr recommends: Visualization of Big Spatial Data using Coresets for Kernel Density Estimates […] Subjects: Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Computational Geometry (cs.CG) The size of large, geo-located datasets has reached scales where visualization of all data points is inefficient. Random sampling is a method to reduce the size of a dataset, yet it can introduce unwanted […]
[StatNews] BigDataFr recommends: IBM pitched its Watson supercomputer as a revolution in cancer care. It’s nowhere close
BigDataFr recommends: IBM pitched its Watson supercomputer as a revolution in cancer care. It’s nowhere close Work, commuting, child care and other activities can make time seem like a precious commodity in the modern world — and that’s before finding something to eat every evening. Admittedly, we don’t have to go hunting and foraging like […]
[La Tribune] BigDataFr recommande : Big data : dix mois après avoir levé 14 millions de dollars, le français Dataiku double la mise
BigDataFr recommande : Big data : dix mois après avoir levé 14 millions de dollars, le français Dataiku double la mise […] Dataiku ne perd pas de temps. A peine dix mois après l’annonce d’une grosse levée de fonds de 14 millions de dollars (12,9 millions d’euros), la startup spécialisée dans le data analytics (analyse […]
[ZDNet] BigDataFr recommande: L’internet des moutons : pourquoi un projet NB-IOT implique des bergers
BigDataFr recommande : L’internet des moutons : pourquoi un projet NB-IOT implique des bergers D’après Telia, il s’agit là du plus grand projet pilote au monde de bas débit dédié à l’internet des objets. L’utilisation de cette technologie permet de connecter un plus grand nombre d’appareils aux réseaux mobiles et à un coût inférieur. À […]
[Forbes] BigDataFr recommends: Math Isn’t Biased, But Big Data Is.
BigDataFr recommends: Math Isn’t Biased, But Big Data Is. […]The remark that she found so funny was this, “You can solve the problem any way you like as long as you get the right answer. That’s the great thing about math, it isn’t cultural.” She was amused by the contrast between my situation, and her […]
[ZDNet] BigDataFr recommends: How HelloFresh uses big data to cook up millions of custom meals
BigDataFr recommends: How HelloFresh uses big data to cook up millions of custom meals Work, commuting, child care and other activities can make time seem like a precious commodity in the modern world — and that’s before finding something to eat every evening. Admittedly, we don’t have to go hunting and foraging like our ancient […]