Open Data BigDataFr recommande : Des capteurs à la Data, un challenge digital SNCF SNCF lance le Challenge Digital avec une bonne dose de capteurs, de data, d’open source et de 3D appliqués aux trains, aux gares et aux infrastructures Au programme -12 challenges répartis en quatre thématiques -12 entreprises présélectionnées et réunies durant […]
Devenir DataScientist
[Forbes] BigDataFr recommends: The Challenge of Figuring Out The Right Big Data questions #datascientist #machinelearning
BigDataFr recommends: The Challenge of Figuring Out The Right Big Data questions « You know the great thing about databases? You ask them a question – or, to be more technical, you generate a query – and the answer comes back. That’s highly simplified, of course, because for your query to be successful, it has to […]
[JDN] BigDataFr recommande: Machine Learning : les dessous techniques d’une révolution technologique #datascientist #machinelearning
BigDataFr recommande : Machine Learning : les dessous techniques d’une révolution technologique « Le « Machine Learning » en anglicisme, et « Apprentissage Automatique des machines » en Français ou quand les machines se mettent à apprendre comme les humains et non seulement exécuter les instructions contenues dans les algorithmes présents dans leurs processeurs. Mais alors, […]
[O’R] BigDataFr recommends: On the evolution of machine learning #datascientist #machinelearning
BigDataFr recommends: On the evolution of machine learning From linear models to neural networks: an interview with Reza Zadeh. « As part of our ongoing series of interviews surveying the frontiers of machine intelligence, I recently interviewed Reza Zadeh. Reza is a Consulting Professor in the Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering at Stanford University and […]
[arXiv] #datascientist BigDataFr recommends: Overview of Some New Digital Technology Trends Big Data
BigDataFr recommends: Overview of Some New Digital Technology Trends Big Data (Societal, Economic, Ethical and Legal Challenges of the Digital Revolution: From Big Data to Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Manipulative Technologies) « In a globalized world, companies and countries are exposed to a harsh competition. This produces a considerable pressure to create more efficient systems […]
[Forbes] BigDataFr recommends: Using Big Data In A Crisis: Nepal Earthquake #datascientist #nepal
BigDataFr recommends: Using Big Data In A Crisis: Nepal Earthquake « As I write this, hundreds of emergency services, charities, disaster relief agencies and volunteers are doing their best to help people affected by the terrible Nepalese earthquake which struck during the weekend. And Big Data is playing its part, too – with crowdsourced, data-driven efforts […]
[Decideo] BigDataFr recommande: SAS met l’analyse prédictive au service de la cybersécurité
BigDataFr recommande: SAS met l’analyse prédictive au service de la cybersécurité « Internet est une des plus belles inventions de l’humanité en matière de communication, et de partage des savoirs; mais la nature humaine étant ce qu’elle est, le meilleur a engendré le pire. Et pour profiter des bienfaits de notre monde digital, les entreprises, les […]
[LMI] BigDataFr recommande: SAS veut rendre l’analyse big data plus accessible
BigDataFr recommande: SAS veut rendre l’analyse big data plus accessible « Voilà des décennies, bien avant le buzz, que SAS Institute fait de l’analyse big data. Aujourd’hui, l’éditeur veut faciliter l’accès des entreprises aux outils d’analyse informatisée à grande échelle. Dans le cadre de sa conférence annuelle SAS Global Forum, qui se tiendra du 26 au […]
[Target Tech] BigDataFr recommends: Utilizing machine data from robots #datascientist #machinelearning #analytics
BigDataFr recommends: Utilizing machine data from robots to provide data driven insights and decisions « One important part of a retailer is their supply chain network. In order to sell a product in our stores, or online at, we need to have a well run and maintained network to move all of those products from […]
[O’R] BigDataFr recommends: The log: The lifeblood of your data pipeline #datascientist
BigDataFr recommends: The log: The lifeblood of your data pipeline Why every data pipeline should have a Unified Logging Layer. « The value of log data for business is unimpeachable. On every level of the organization, the question, “How are we doing?” is answered, ultimately, by log data. Error logs tell developers what went wrong in […]